I've recently completed both The Passionate Programmer and Pragmatic Thinking & Learning. Both books have inspired some serious self-examiniation. They've challenged me to do more, do better, and be better.
One of the many messages they drive home is that it takes more than technical skill to write good software. While I've always agreed with their position, my eyes have been opened to how much I really haven't grown in other areas, mainly because I haven't challenged myself.
I feel like I have the technical chops to do my job and do it well, but there are so many other things to consider, such as writing and speaking. Writing for me is much easier, since public speaking scares the crap out of me.
So starting today, I'm going to be blogging on my own account. Not my employer's, but a blog that will be mine regardless of my employment status. It will also be a blog that forces me to write more than 140 characters before publishing.